Fiber Drawing Tower:光纤拉丝塔
Product introduction
Fiber Drawing Tower is an automatic control equipment integrating light, machinery, electricity and gas. Under the protection of argon/helium atmosphere, the glass preform is locally heated and softened by heating furnace, and the optical fiber is drawn by double roller drawing method. It consists of mechanical system, electrical system, software control system, gas circuit system, waterway system and other parts.
Product features
1.The software is independently developed, with strong scalability, remote automatic control and intuitive and simple operation;
2.Adopt high precision/high stability servo motor system for mechanical motion control;
3.High-resolution caliper and tension measuring instrument are used to accurately control the outer diameter and tension of optical fiber;
4.High-quality precision pneumatic components and mass flow controller can accurately control gas pressure and flow;
5.Adopt high-precision flow control valve, which can accurately control waterway flow;
6.The upper computer adopts industrial control computer, and the lower computer adopts PLC programmable controller, which can automatically draw equal diameter optical fiber.
Main purpose
Fiber drawing.
Main technical indicators
1.Prefabricated bar specification: ≤φ50mm
2.Drawing speed: 1 ~ 700 m/min
3.Drawing temperature: 1000 ~ 2500 ℃
4.Drawing temperature accuracy: ± 1 ℃
5.Precoating outside diameter: φ 0.08 ~ φ 1 mm
6.Drawing outside diameter deviation: ± 1%
7.Tower height: 12.5 m
8.Total tower weight: 6.5 t
1吨钢壳中频熔炼炉 光纤拉丝塔 回转式烧结炉 小型IGBT感应熔炼炉 正极材料烧结中试炉
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