1400℃可控气氛箱式炉\1400℃箱式气氛电阻炉controlled atmosphere box furnace
1400℃ controlled atmosphere box furnace
1、电炉名称: 气氛箱式炉(1400℃箱式气氛炉)
2、产品型号: SGM 1400-40
3、额定温度: 1400℃
4、长期使用温度: ≤1350℃
5、恒温精度: ±1℃
6、炉膛材料: 1600型氧化铝多晶体纤维材料
7、热电偶型号: S型(铂铑)
8、温度控制方式: 采用PID控制方式,30断温控程序可分步分断编程
9、升温速率: ≤20℃/min
10、极限真空度: -0.1MP
11、额定充气压力: +0.04MP
12、开门方式: 手动侧开门
13、工作尺寸: 深400*宽300*高300mm
14、外型尺寸: 深640*宽750*高1030
15、容积: 36L
16、额定功率: 12KW
17、工作电压: 380V 50HZ/60HZ
18、包装: 木箱包装(不回收)
19、标准配置: 主机1台、控制系统1套、高温手套一付、坩埚钳一把、使用说明书、合格证、保修卡各一份
Sigma 1400℃ box furnaces are available in a wide variety of configurations and temperature ranges. The box furnace is ruggedly simple and conservative in design, which makes this type of furnace very versatile and trouble-free. These units are built with a heavy gage steel shell and low watt density heating elements along with lightweight ceramic fiber insulation making these furnaces and ovens suitable for any laboratory or industrial application.
Box furnaces are available in many configurations that include single zone or multiple zone heated chambers and temperature ranges up to 1100°C, 1200°C, 1500°C, or 1700°C (1800°C, 2200°°C, 2800°C). Options include pneumatic door openers, view ports, sealed chamber with ports for atmosphere control, heated doors, quench tanks, automation, standard controls and PLC controls, just to mention a few. If you can imagine it, Sigma can build it. Below are some examples of different types of box furnaces that we manufacture.
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