Open type four zones tube furnace, SGM TF-1200C-IV
开启式四温区管式炉, SGM TF-1200C-IV
Main features:
1)Can control the fourheating zones with fourcontrol point
2)Chamber veined with 12 sets of resistance wire,achieve uniform tem. field and longer constantzone.
3)Equipped with support frame for flange,reduce the load of tube body
4)Pneumatic spring for opening,which is safer for operator.
5)Open type make convenient for operation
Technical Parameters
Power 输入电源 |
·Power rated: 7KW (208-240V) ·额定功率:7KW (208-240V) |
Voltage 电压 |
·Voltage rated: AC208-240V 50/60HZ ·额定电压:AC208-240V 50/60HZ |
Working Temperature 工作温度 |
·Max. Temperature: 1200°C ( 1 hr) 额定温度:1200℃ (1小时) ·Continuous working temperature: ≤1100℃ 持续工作温度:≤1100℃ ·Max. heating Rate: ≤30°C /min 额定升温速率:≤30℃/分 |
控温方式 |
·PID automatic control andauto-tune function. 模糊PID控制和自整定调节 ·30 programmable segments for precise thermal processing. 智能化30段可编程控制 ·Built-in protection for the over-heated and broken thermocouple. 超温和断偶报警功能 |
Length of heating zone 加热区长度 |
·200+200+200+200mm |
Length of constant zone 恒温区长度 |
·100+200+200+100mm |
Heating Elements 加热元件 |
·Resistance wire, Fe-Cr-Al Alloy doped by Mo ·电阻丝(掺钼铁铬铝合金) |
Temperature Accuracy 控温精度 |
+/- 1°C |
Dimensions 尺寸 |
·Tube size: Φ50/60/80-100-130*1400mm (optional) ·炉管尺寸:Φ50/60/80-100-130*1400mm (可选) ·Overall size: 1080*440*590mm(L*W*H without tube & flange) ·外形尺寸:1080*440*590mm(L*W*H 不含炉管和法兰) ·Two fibrous ceramic tube blocks are included for blocking heat radiation generated from tube center. (Ceramic blocks must be fully inserted into the furnace chamberbefore heating). ·两个氧化铝管堵阻挡管中心产生的热辐射(氧化铝管堵必须在加热前塞进炉膛) |
Net Weight 净重 |
90kg |
Vacuum Flange 真空法兰 |
·KF25 quick clamp flange KF25快速卡箍法兰 |
Vacuum Pressure 真空压力 |
·10^-1pa can be achieved by mechanical pump 机械泵可达10^-1pa ·10^-3pa can be reached by molecular pump 分子泵可达10^-3pa
Warranty 质保 |
One year limited warranty with lifetime support (Such consumable parts as tube, quartz block, and O-rings, etc. are NOTsupportedby the warranty) 一年质保终身支持(消耗品如炉管,石英管堵,O型圈等不在质保范围内) |
Warning 注意事项 |
·Toxic or explosive gasses are not recommended for use with this furnace without necessary safety controls and supervision. Please put furnace into fume hood for better safety ·没有安全控制和监督的情况下,不建议使用有毒或爆炸性气体。为了安全,请把电炉放在通风处。 ·Small cracks may appear on the surface of the refractory ceramics over extended use. This is a normal occurrence and the cracks may be repaired withalumina coating. ·在使用过程中炉膛表面可能出现细小裂纹。这是正常情况,裂纹可以用氧化铝涂层修复。 |
Compliance 认证 |
·CE Certified CE认证 |
版权所有 洛阳智能高温电阻炉 备案号: 豫备 保留所有权利.