洛阳西格马齿加工烧结炉为氧化锆烧结炉、又称义齿烧结炉、氧化锆结晶炉 。SGM氧化锆结晶炉采用节能型的陶瓷纤维材料,升温快速,控温精度,保温效果好氧化锆结晶炉 适用于实验和小批量生产使用,
SGM 1700℃氧化锆烧结炉专为氧化锆义齿烧结设计制造。1700℃氧化锆烧结炉采用高纯陶瓷纤维炉衬和加热棒,确保牙冠、牙桥的烧结品质。对二氧化锆义齿牙冠的高温沉瓷烧结,一致性好,通透性高,美白漂亮。加热元件构成四周均匀的热分布、安放双层坩埚的加热炉腔,下装载自动升降结构。体积小,重量轻,质量,价格低,是技工所非常实用的选择。
1. 常用温度: 1600℃
2. 额定温度: 1700℃
3. 炉膛有效尺寸:100*100*100mm(宽x深x高)
4. 产品外观尺寸:320*380*520mm
5. 产品重量:约65KG
6. 加热元件: 1800 U型硅钼棒(左右侧墙两面加热,每面分布硅钼棒2支,共4支。高品质硅钼棒,纯度高,热胀冷缩变形量小。)
7. 程序储存:预储存3个烧结程序。设计多可以储存50条烧结曲线。
8. 炉膛温度均匀性:小于 ±5℃ (Ferro测温环5点测温)
9. 控温仪表:厦门宇电518P程序控温仪表,精度0.2级。
10. 控温精度 :±1℃
11. 炉膛材料:耐火层采用1800型真空成型陶瓷纤维(密度450kg/m3),强度大,收缩性小,确保炉膛经久耐用。
12. 升温速率:0-30℃/分钟。完成单个普通烧结程序,大约7个小时。
13. 表面温度:双层风冷结构(炉底安装2个散热风扇),表面温度≤50℃
14. 功率 : 1KW 单相 220V 50HZ
15. 配件:1套烧结盘,1包锆珠。
16. 单价: 3万 元/台
There are two important factors to determine the sintering result.
1. 炉膛内温度 Uniform temperature in furnace chamber
2. 炉膛内的纯洁度 The pure surrounding in furnace chamber
Bad Sintering result:
■ 温度不均匀,或者温度不准确 / Inaccurate or uneven temperature
Zirconia become bluish-white color, no transparent.
2. 长桥翘边 The edge of long bridge is turnup
3. 牙冠裂缝 Tiny crack in crown
■ 炉膛不纯( 炉衬有杂质;加热棒有杂质 ) / Impure furnace chamber (Impure furnace liner; Impure heating element)
1. 氧化锆发黄或发红 Zirconia is polluted and color become yellow or pink
2. 氧化锆表面有白点或黑White or black dots on crowns.
The main polluting source
1. 炉衬:由于国内工厂制作技术的不足,在炉衬生产过程中,会有铁屑、渣球等杂质混入,从而导致炉衬不纯。高温时杂质熔化,释放出污染物。
Furnace liner: Due to the backward producing equipments in most of Chinese factory, furnace liner include many Iron rust scraps and slags. The scraps and slags will be melted and sublimate at high temperature, then to pollute zirconia.
2. 加热棒:大部分国内厂家生产的硅钼棒主要用于工业窑炉,对纯度要求不高,同时为了节约成本,都采用价格偏低的低品级钼粉,导致硅钼棒杂质含量很高,特别是铁含量。硅钼棒使用之后,表面变红、起泡、掉皮等,直接污染氧化锆。
Heating elements: Most of heating elements manufacturers produce the heating elements to be used in big furnace or industrial furnace and no strict requirement to the purity. In order to save cost, the factories use low-grade and cheap molybdenum materials. The heating elements include high impurities, especially Fe content. After using at high temperature, the heating elements become red, bubble or scaling, then to pollute zirconia.
How to control furnace quality
1. 炉衬:我们采用日本工厂生产的高纯炉衬,无杂质、强度高、导热系数低、使用寿命长。
Furnace liner: We use the high pure insulation liner from Japanese factory, with high strength, low thermo-conductivity.
2. 加热棒:自产加热棒,采用99.99%高纯钼粉,热弯工艺制作,使用温度高达1800度,无任何污染。
Heating element: We produce heating elements by ourselves with high pure 99.99% molybdenum. No any polluted impurities.
Friendly operating interface
Touching screen panel, which can store 30 sintering programs. The finished sintering program will be stored in the panel automatically. The operator can check the past sintering programs in historical records.
Attentive matters when using the sintering furnace
1. 染色后的牙冠或长桥必须在红外干燥灯下烘干,烘烤温度100℃以下,烘烤时间依据义齿数量在30-90分钟内,充分除去义齿表面及内部的水分。否则会出现染色不均、收缩不匀开裂等现象,并会污染炉膛。
Before sintering, the colored crowns or bridges must be completely dried. The drying temperature should be below 100℃. The drying time should be 30-90 minutes. Otherwise, the color will be not uniform and also pollute furnace chamber.
Crown closed side must be downward when drying and sintering.
Zirconia beads and sintering crucible must be replaced after using for 6-12 months.
4. 建议每使用6个月,紧固一下加热棒和导电编织带连接的螺丝,以免长期的热胀冷缩而松动,导致连接不牢,击断加热棒。
Please tight the connection between heating elements and aluminium straps per 6 months. Otherwise, it will be loose due to heating-expand and cold-contract, then spark to break the heating elements.
5. 建议烧结炉每3个月清理一次,刮净炉膛内的杂质。清理完后用废弃的氧化锆块放进去空烧一次。
To clean the furnace chamber per 3 months. After finishing cleaning, please put some zirconia scraps to run the furnace for one or two times.
6. 建议在80℃以下再开启炉门,取出义齿,避免义齿受到较大的热冲击。否则,义齿容易产生隐裂。
Recommend to take out crowns when furnace temperature below 80℃, to avoid any crown crack due to thermo-shock.
版权所有 洛阳智能高温电阻炉 备案号: 豫备 保留所有权利.